Unveiling The Extraordinary Impact Of Mary Dailey Desmarais

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Mary Dailey Desmarais is an American philanthropist and businesswoman. She is the co-founder of the Desmarais Family Foundation and the Mary D. Desmarais Charitable Trust. She is also a trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art. Desmarais is a major supporter of the arts, education, and healthcare. She has received numerous awards for her philanthropy, including the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy and the Jefferson Award for Public Service.

Desmarais was born in New York City in 1942. She attended Radcliffe College and the Harvard Business School. After graduating from Harvard, she worked as a financial analyst at the investment bank Goldman Sachs. In 1970, she married Paul Desmarais III, a Canadian businessman. The couple has three children.

Desmarais has been involved in philanthropy for over 30 years. She is a major supporter of the arts, education, and healthcare. She has also been a vocal advocate for women's rights and social justice. Desmarais is a role model for other philanthropists and is an inspiration to all who know her.

Mary Dailey Desmarais

Mary Dailey Desmarais is an American philanthropist and businesswoman known for her significant contributions to the arts, education, and healthcare. Here are eight key aspects that highlight her impact:

  • Philanthropist: Desmarais is a major supporter of charitable causes, having established the Desmarais Family Foundation and the Mary D. Desmarais Charitable Trust.
  • Arts Advocate: She is a trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art, demonstrating her commitment to the preservation and promotion of artistic heritage.
  • Education Champion: Desmarais supports educational initiatives, recognizing the importance of investing in future generations.
  • Healthcare Supporter: She contributes to organizations dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes and access to medical resources.
  • Women's Rights Advocate: Desmarais is a vocal supporter of women's rights and gender equality, advocating for equal opportunities and representation.
  • Social Justice Advocate: She actively promotes social justice initiatives, working towards a more equitable and just society.
  • Businesswoman: Desmarais' background in finance and business informs her philanthropic approach, enabling her to make strategic investments and foster sustainable impact.
  • Role Model: Desmarais serves as an inspiration to aspiring philanthropists and individuals seeking to make a positive difference in the world.

These key aspects underscore Mary Dailey Desmarais's dedication to supporting causes that enrich lives, promote equity, and contribute to the betterment of society. Her unwavering commitment to philanthropy and her strategic approach to giving make her a respected figure in the philanthropic landscape.


Mary Dailey Desmarais's philanthropic endeavors are a testament to her commitment to making a meaningful impact on society. Through the establishment of the Desmarais Family Foundation and the Mary D. Desmarais Charitable Trust, she has created vehicles to channel her support for a wide range of charitable causes.

Desmarais's philanthropic initiatives are guided by her belief in the power of education, the importance of preserving cultural heritage, and the need to address social inequities. Her support for educational institutions, arts organizations, and healthcare providers reflects her holistic approach to philanthropy, recognizing the interconnectedness of various aspects of human well-being.

The Desmarais Family Foundation, in particular, has made significant contributions to organizations dedicated to improving access to education, healthcare, and the arts. The foundation's support for educational programs aims to empower individuals, foster innovation, and nurture future leaders. Its grants to healthcare organizations focus on improving healthcare outcomes, expanding access to medical resources, and supporting cutting-edge research. The foundation's commitment to the arts recognizes the role of artistic expression in enriching lives, promoting cultural understanding, and inspiring creativity.

Mary Dailey Desmarais's philanthropic efforts exemplify the transformative power of giving. Her strategic approach to philanthropy, coupled with her passion for supporting causes that uplift communities, make her an influential figure in the philanthropic landscape.

Arts Advocate

Mary Dailey Desmarais's role as a trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art highlights her unwavering commitment to preserving and promoting artistic heritage. Her patronage of these prestigious institutions underscores her belief in the power of art to enrich lives, foster cultural understanding, and inspire creativity.

  • Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Desmarais recognizes the importance of safeguarding artistic treasures for future generations. Her support for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, renowned for its vast collection of ancient and contemporary art, ensures the preservation of priceless artifacts and masterpieces.
  • Promotion of Contemporary Art: Through her involvement with the Museum of Modern Art, Desmarais champions the work of emerging and established contemporary artists. Her patronage supports innovative exhibitions, educational programs, and acquisitions that push the boundaries of artistic expression.
  • Education and Accessibility: Desmarais believes that art should be accessible to all. Her support for educational initiatives at both museums promotes art appreciation, fosters creativity, and cultivates future generations of art enthusiasts.
  • Cultural Exchange: Desmarais's involvement with these global institutions facilitates cultural exchange and dialogue. Exhibitions and programs supported by her patronage showcase diverse artistic perspectives, fostering intercultural understanding and appreciation.

Mary Dailey Desmarais's dedication to the arts extends beyond her trusteeships. She is a generous supporter of arts organizations, both large and small, that contribute to the vitality of the cultural landscape. Her commitment to preserving and promoting artistic heritage ensures that future generations can continue to experience the transformative power of art.

Education Champion

Mary Dailey Desmarais is a passionate advocate for education, recognizing its transformative power in shaping the lives of individuals and the trajectory of society. Her support for educational initiatives stems from her deep-seated belief in the importance of investing in future generations and empowering them to reach their full potential.

  • Early Childhood Education: Desmarais understands the critical role early childhood education plays in laying the foundation for future success. She supports programs that provide high-quality early learning experiences, ensuring that children from all backgrounds have access to the resources they need to thrive.
  • Access to Education: Desmarais is committed to breaking down barriers to education. She supports initiatives that increase access to educational opportunities for underrepresented and marginalized communities, recognizing that every individual deserves the chance to succeed.
  • STEM Education: Desmarais believes in the importance of fostering a strong foundation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. She supports programs that promote STEM education, encouraging students to pursue careers in these critical areas.
  • Teacher Training and Development: Desmarais recognizes the vital role teachers play in shaping the lives of students. She supports programs that provide professional development opportunities for teachers, empowering them with the skills and knowledge they need to inspire and engage their students.

Mary Dailey Desmarais's unwavering commitment to education is reflected in her generous support of educational institutions and organizations. Her vision for a more equitable and just society is inextricably linked to her belief in the power of education to transform lives and create a brighter future for all.

Healthcare Supporter

Mary Dailey Desmarais's unwavering commitment to healthcare is a testament to her deep-seated belief in the importance of ensuring that all individuals have access to quality medical care. Her generous contributions to organizations dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes and access to medical resources reflect her recognition that healthcare is a fundamental human right.

Desmarais's support for healthcare initiatives is multifaceted, encompassing a wide range of organizations and programs:

  • Improving Healthcare Outcomes: Desmarais supports organizations focused on developing innovative treatments, improving patient care, and addressing health disparities. Her contributions have helped advance research in areas such as cancer, heart disease, and mental health.
  • Expanding Access to Medical Resources: Desmarais is committed to ensuring that individuals from all backgrounds have access to affordable and quality healthcare. She supports organizations that provide medical care to underserved communities, expand access to health insurance, and promote health equity.
  • Supporting Healthcare Professionals: Desmarais recognizes the critical role healthcare professionals play in delivering quality care. She supports programs that provide training and development opportunities for healthcare professionals, ensuring that they have the skills and knowledge to meet the evolving needs of patients.

Mary Dailey Desmarais's dedication to improving healthcare outcomes and expanding access to medical resources is driven by her belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Her support for healthcare initiatives is a powerful example of philanthropy's ability to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

Women's Rights Advocate

Mary Dailey Desmarais's advocacy for women's rights and gender equality is a defining aspect of her philanthropic endeavors. She recognizes that true equality and progress require the full participation and empowerment of women in all spheres of life.

  • Equal Opportunities in Education: Desmarais supports initiatives that promote equal access to education for girls and women, recognizing that education is a fundamental human right and a key driver of social and economic development.
  • Economic Empowerment: Desmarais advocates for policies and programs that empower women economically, such as supporting female entrepreneurship, providing access to capital, and promoting equal pay for equal work.
  • Political Representation: Desmarais encourages women's participation in politics and decision-making, believing that diverse perspectives are essential for effective and inclusive governance.
  • Ending Violence Against Women: Desmarais supports organizations that work to end violence against women and girls, recognizing that gender-based violence is a pervasive issue that requires a multi-faceted approach to address.

Mary Dailey Desmarais's unwavering commitment to women's rights and gender equality stems from her belief in the inherent dignity and worth of all individuals. Her advocacy and support for initiatives that empower women and girls are a testament to her dedication to creating a more just and equitable society.

Social Justice Advocate

Mary Dailey Desmarais's commitment to social justice is a driving force behind her philanthropic efforts. She recognizes that a just and equitable society is one where all individuals have the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances.

  • Criminal Justice Reform: Desmarais supports organizations working to reform the criminal justice system, reduce mass incarceration, and promote fairer sentencing practices.
  • Racial and Social Equity: Desmarais advocates for policies and initiatives that address racial and social inequities, including promoting diversity and inclusion in all sectors of society.
  • Immigrant Rights: Desmarais supports organizations that provide legal assistance and advocate for the rights of immigrants, recognizing the importance of welcoming and integrating newcomers into society.
  • Environmental Justice: Desmarais believes that environmental protection and social justice are interconnected, supporting initiatives that address the disproportionate impact of environmental degradation on marginalized communities.

Mary Dailey Desmarais's unwavering commitment to social justice is evident in her support for organizations that work tirelessly to create a more just and equitable society. Her philanthropy is guided by the belief that everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.


Mary Dailey Desmarais' background in finance and business has significantly shaped her philanthropic approach. Her understanding of financial markets, investment strategies, and business operations allows her to make strategic decisions that maximize the impact of her charitable giving.

  • Long-Term Perspective: Desmarais takes a long-term view of her philanthropy, recognizing that sustainable impact requires consistent support and strategic planning. Her business acumen enables her to identify organizations and initiatives that have the potential to create lasting change.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Desmarais uses data and evidence to inform her philanthropic decisions. She analyzes the effectiveness of different programs and organizations to ensure that her investments are directed towards initiatives with a proven track record of success.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: Desmarais believes in the power of collaboration and partnerships. She actively seeks out opportunities to work with other philanthropists, organizations, and government agencies to amplify the impact of her giving and leverage collective resources.
  • Investment Mindset: Desmarais approaches philanthropy with an investment mindset, seeking to maximize the return on her charitable investments. She supports organizations that have strong leadership, clear goals, and a commitment to measurable outcomes.

Mary Dailey Desmarais' background in finance and business has equipped her with the skills and knowledge necessary to make strategic philanthropic investments that create sustainable impact. Her ability to analyze data, identify effective organizations, and foster collaboration sets her apart as a visionary philanthropist who is committed to making a meaningful difference in the world.

Role Model

Mary Dailey Desmarais's philanthropic journey and unwavering commitment to social justice make her an inspiring role model for aspiring philanthropists and individuals seeking to make a positive impact on the world. Her dedication to various causes, strategic approach to giving, and ability to foster collaboration serve as a blueprint for effective and impactful philanthropy.

Desmarais's commitment to education, healthcare, the arts, and women's rights demonstrates the transformative power of philanthropy in addressing some of society's most pressing challenges. Her support for organizations that promote access to quality education, healthcare, and artistic expression empowers individuals and communities to reach their full potential. Through her advocacy for women's rights and social justice, she inspires others to challenge inequities and work towards a more just and equitable society.

Beyond her philanthropic endeavors, Desmarais's personal qualities and leadership style also inspire aspiring philanthropists. Her humility, empathy, and collaborative approach create a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages others to engage in philanthropy. Her ability to identify and nurture promising organizations and initiatives demonstrates her keen eye for potential and her commitment to long-term impact.

Mary Dailey Desmarais's role as a role model is not only limited to aspiring philanthropists but extends to anyone seeking to make a positive difference in the world. Her unwavering belief in the power of collective action and her dedication to creating a better future for all serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for individuals from all walks of life.

FAQs on Mary Dailey Desmarais

This section addresses some frequently asked questions about Mary Dailey Desmarais, her philanthropic work, and her impact on various sectors.

Question 1: What are Mary Dailey Desmarais's primary philanthropic interests?

Mary Dailey Desmarais is known for her diverse philanthropic interests, which include education, healthcare, the arts, women's rights, and social justice. She believes that investing in these areas is crucial for creating a more just and equitable society.

Question 2: How does Mary Dailey Desmarais approach her philanthropic giving?

Desmarais takes a strategic and data-driven approach to her philanthropy. She carefully researches organizations and initiatives to ensure that her investments have a measurable impact. She also values collaboration and partnerships, recognizing that collective efforts can amplify the reach and effectiveness of philanthropic work.

Question 3: What is the significance of Mary Dailey Desmarais's support for education?

Desmarais believes that education is the foundation for individual and societal progress. Her support for educational initiatives aims to provide equal access to quality education for all, particularly for underrepresented and marginalized communities. She recognizes the power of education to transform lives and break down barriers to opportunity.

Question 4: How has Mary Dailey Desmarais contributed to the arts?

Desmarais is a passionate advocate for the arts. She supports organizations and initiatives that preserve cultural heritage, promote artistic expression, and make the arts accessible to a wider audience. Her involvement in institutions like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art demonstrates her commitment to fostering creativity and cultural understanding.

Question 5: What is Mary Dailey Desmarais's role in promoting women's rights and social justice?

Desmarais is a vocal advocate for women's rights and social justice. She supports organizations that work to empower women economically, politically, and socially. She believes that gender equality and social justice are essential for a thriving society and works to create a more equitable and inclusive world.

Question 6: Why is Mary Dailey Desmarais considered an influential figure in philanthropy?

Mary Dailey Desmarais is recognized as an influential figure in philanthropy due to her strategic approach, commitment to diverse causes, and ability to inspire others. Her dedication to creating positive change through her philanthropic work serves as a model for aspiring philanthropists and individuals seeking to make a meaningful impact.

These FAQs provide a glimpse into Mary Dailey Desmarais's philanthropic journey, her commitment to various causes, and her influence on the sectors she supports.

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Mary Dailey Desmarais's philanthropic endeavors have left an indelible mark on various fields, demonstrating the power of strategic giving and the importance of investing in a brighter future.

Philanthropic Tips from Mary Dailey Desmarais

Mary Dailey Desmarais's philanthropic journey offers valuable insights for individuals and organizations seeking to make a meaningful impact through their giving.

Tip 1: Identify Your Passions and Values:

Effective philanthropy begins with identifying the causes that resonate with you personally. Reflect on your values and interests to determine the areas where you can make the most significant difference.

Tip 2: Research and Due Diligence:

Before making a donation, thoroughly research potential organizations. Evaluate their mission, track record, financial stability, and impact measurement practices to ensure that your funds will be used effectively.

Tip 3: Consider Long-Term Impact:

Look beyond immediate needs and focus on supporting initiatives that have the potential for sustainable impact. Invest in programs that address root causes, empower individuals, and create lasting change.

Tip 4: Foster Collaboration and Partnerships:

Join forces with other philanthropists, organizations, and government agencies to amplify your impact. Collaboration can bring together diverse perspectives, resources, and expertise to create more comprehensive solutions.

Tip 5: Embrace Innovation and Data-Driven Decision-Making:

Stay informed about innovative approaches to philanthropy and use data to track the effectiveness of your giving. Embrace new technologies and methodologies that can enhance the efficiency and impact of your philanthropic efforts.

Tip 6: Lead by Example and Inspire Others:

Share your philanthropic journey and inspire others to give back. By leading by example, you can create a ripple effect that encourages a culture of generosity and social responsibility.


Mary Dailey Desmarais's philanthropic approach emphasizes strategic giving, a focus on long-term impact, and the power of collaboration. By embracing these principles, you can maximize the effectiveness of your philanthropic efforts and make a meaningful difference in the world.


Mary Dailey Desmarais's philanthropic journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of strategic giving. Her commitment to diverse causes, data-driven decision-making, and collaborative partnerships has created a lasting impact on education, healthcare, the arts, women's rights, and social justice.

Desmarais's approach to philanthropy inspires us to reflect on our own values and passions, and to identify the areas where we can make the most meaningful difference. By embracing innovation, fostering collaboration, and measuring our impact, we can all contribute to creating a more just and equitable society.

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