Unveil The Enigmatic Height Of Breckie Hill: Discoveries And Insights Await

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Breckie Hill Height is a hill in the Surrey Hills of England, with a height of 269 meters (883 feet) above sea level. It is located near the village of Brockham, and is part of the Greensand Ridge, a range of hills that runs through Surrey and Kent.

Breckie Hill Height is a popular spot for walking and hiking, and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. The hill is also home to a number of ancient monuments, including a Bronze Age barrow and an Iron Age hillfort.

The hill is also home to a number of plant and animal species, including a variety of wildflowers, butterflies, and birds. The hill is also a popular spot for dog walking.

Breckie Hill Height

Breckie Hill Height, a prominent hill in the Surrey Hills, stands at 269 meters above sea level. Its multifaceted significance can be explored through various key aspects:

  • Height: 269 meters (883 feet)
  • Location: Surrey Hills, England
  • Geology: Greensand Ridge
  • Activities: Walking, hiking, dog walking
  • Views: Stunning countryside vistas
  • Monuments: Bronze Age barrow, Iron Age hillfort
  • Flora: Diverse wildflowers
  • Fauna: Butterflies, birds
  • History: Rich archaeological heritage
  • Conservation: Designated Site of Nature Conservation Interest

These aspects collectively contribute to the importance of Breckie Hill Height. Its elevation offers breathtaking views, while its geological formation and historical monuments provide insights into the region's past. The hill's diverse flora and fauna enhance its ecological value, and its protected status ensures its preservation for future generations.


The height of Breckie Hill, standing at 269 meters (883 feet), is a defining characteristic that contributes significantly to its prominence and significance. This elevation not only offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside but also plays a crucial role in shaping the hill's ecological and historical context.

The height of Breckie Hill has influenced the formation of diverse habitats and microclimates, supporting a rich variety of flora and fauna. The hill's slopes provide varying degrees of sunlight, moisture, and shelter, allowing for the growth of a wide range of plant species. These, in turn, attract a diverse array of insects, birds, and other animals, contributing to the hill's ecological richness.

Historically, the height of Breckie Hill has made it a strategic vantage point. Its summit was once the site of an Iron Age hillfort, providing an excellent defensive position and commanding views of the surrounding area. The hill's height also made it a valuable landmark for travelers and traders, as it could be seen from afar and used as a navigational aid.

Understanding the height of Breckie Hill is essential for appreciating its scenic beauty, ecological diversity, and historical significance. It is a key factor that has shaped the hill's unique characteristics and continues to contribute to its importance as a natural and cultural landmark.


The location of Breckie Hill in the Surrey Hills, England, is a significant factor that contributes to its unique characteristics and importance. The Surrey Hills are an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, renowned for their scenic landscapes, rich biodiversity, and historical heritage. Breckie Hill, situated within this protected area, benefits from and contributes to the overall value and significance of the region.

The Surrey Hills provide Breckie Hill with a favorable geological and ecological context. The hill is part of the Greensand Ridge, a geological formation known for its nutrient-rich soils and diverse habitats. This has fostered a wide range of plant and animal life on Breckie Hill, including ancient woodlands, chalk grasslands, and heathlands, supporting a variety of rare and protected species.

The location of Breckie Hill within the Surrey Hills has also shaped its historical and cultural significance. The hill's prominent position and defensive qualities made it an ideal site for an Iron Age hillfort, providing protection and control over the surrounding area. Additionally, its proximity to major settlements and trade routes has contributed to its historical importance.

Understanding the connection between Breckie Hill's location in the Surrey Hills, England, is essential for appreciating its natural beauty, ecological richness, and historical significance. This understanding informs conservation efforts, land management practices, and recreational activities in the area, ensuring the preservation and enjoyment of Breckie Hill for generations to come.


The geological composition of Breckie Hill, primarily consisting of the Greensand Ridge, plays a pivotal role in shaping its height and overall characteristics. The Greensand Ridge is a geological formation composed of alternating layers of sandstone and clay, known for its nutrient-rich soils and diverse habitats. This unique geology has significantly influenced the height and ecological value of Breckie Hill.

The Greensand Ridge provides a solid foundation for Breckie Hill, contributing to its structural stability and resistance to erosion. The sandstone layers within the ridge act as a, providing support and preventing the hill from collapsing or eroding rapidly. This geological stability has allowed Breckie Hill to maintain its height over time, contributing to its prominence in the landscape.

Furthermore, the nutrient-rich soils derived from the Greensand Ridge have supported the growth of diverse plant life on Breckie Hill. The well-drained and fertile soils have fostered the development of ancient woodlands, chalk grasslands, and heathlands, each supporting a unique array of flora and fauna. This ecological diversity has enhanced the overall value and significance of Breckie Hill, making it a haven for wildlife and a popular destination for nature enthusiasts.

Understanding the connection between Breckie Hill's geology and its height is essential for appreciating its natural beauty, ecological richness, and historical significance. This understanding informs conservation efforts, land management practices, and recreational activities in the area, ensuring the preservation and enjoyment of Breckie Hill for generations to come.


The height of Breckie Hill, 269 meters above sea level, presents both challenges and opportunities for activities such as walking, hiking, and dog walking. The elevation gain involved in ascending the hill provides a cardiovascular workout, making it a popular destination for fitness enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers.

The well-defined paths and trails that crisscross Breckie Hill cater to walkers and hikers of varying abilities. The ascent to the summit offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, making it a rewarding experience. The hill's height also allows for extended walks, providing ample time to explore the diverse habitats and landscapes it encompasses.

Dog walking is another popular activity on Breckie Hill. The open spaces and fresh air provide a stimulating environment for canine companions. The hill's height offers a sense of adventure and exploration, allowing dogs to roam freely and enjoy the natural surroundings.

Understanding the connection between Breckie Hill's height and the activities it supports is essential for planning and enjoying outdoor recreation in the area. The hill's elevation provides a challenging yet rewarding experience for walkers, hikers, and dog walkers, contributing to its overall value and significance as a natural amenity.


The height of Breckie Hill, standing at 269 meters above sea level, plays a crucial role in providing stunning countryside vistas that captivate visitors and nature enthusiasts alike.

  • Panoramic Views: The elevation of Breckie Hill offers breathtaking panoramic views that extend for miles in every direction. From the summit, one can witness a vast expanse of rolling hills, lush greenery, and distant landmarks, creating a picturesque landscape that is both awe-inspiring and serene.
  • Varied Landscapes: The height of Breckie Hill allows visitors to observe the diverse landscapes that characterize the Surrey Hills. From ancient woodlands and chalk grasslands to heathlands and meadows, the hill's vantage point provides a unique opportunity to appreciate the ecological richness and natural beauty of the region.
  • Historical Context: The height of Breckie Hill has historical significance as it once served as a strategic vantage point for an Iron Age hillfort. From its elevated position, the inhabitants could monitor the surrounding area and defend against potential threats. Today, visitors can immerse themselves in the hill's historical context while enjoying the stunning views.
  • Artistic Inspiration: The panoramic views from Breckie Hill have captivated artists and photographers for centuries. The hill's height provides a unique perspective that has inspired countless works of art, capturing the beauty and grandeur of the surrounding countryside.

In conclusion, the height of Breckie Hill is inextricably linked to the stunning countryside vistas it offers. The panoramic views, varied landscapes, historical context, and artistic inspiration derived from these vistas collectively contribute to the hill's overall significance and value as a natural and cultural landmark.


The height of Breckie Hill has a significant connection to the presence of two notable monuments: a Bronze Age barrow and an Iron Age hillfort.

The Bronze Age barrow, a burial mound dating back to around 2000 BC, is located on the summit of Breckie Hill. Its elevated position may have been chosen for its visibility and prominence in the landscape, serving as a symbolic landmark and a testament to the area's rich history.

The Iron Age hillfort, constructed during the 1st century BC, also took advantage of the hill's height. The hillfort's defensive ramparts and ditches were built on the slopes of Breckie Hill, utilizing the elevation to provide a strategic advantage in case of attack. The height of the hill allowed for better surveillance of the surrounding area, enabling the inhabitants to spot potential threats and respond accordingly.

Understanding the connection between Breckie Hill's height and these ancient monuments provides valuable insights into the historical significance of the area. The height of the hill was not merely a geographical feature but a that influenced human activity and left a lasting legacy on the landscape.


The presence of diverse wildflowers on Breckie Hill is intricately connected to its height, which plays a crucial role in shaping the hill's ecological environment and biodiversity.

The height of Breckie Hill influences the microclimates and habitats found on its slopes. The elevation creates variations in temperature, moisture, and sunlight exposure, fostering a diverse range of plant life. The well-drained soils and nutrient-rich substrate further contribute to the flourishing of wildflowers.

For instance, the summit of Breckie Hill exhibits chalk grassland habitats, characterized by wildflowers such as orchids, knapweeds, and scabious. These species thrive in the drier, sun-exposed conditions found at higher elevations. In contrast, the northern slopes support ancient woodland, where wildflowers like bluebells, wood anemones, and primroses flourish in the shade and humidity.

Understanding the connection between Breckie Hill's height and its diverse wildflowers is essential for conservation efforts. By recognizing the ecological importance of the hill's elevation, targeted measures can be implemented to protect and manage the unique habitats and delicate flora they support.

Furthermore, the diverse wildflowers contribute significantly to the overall aesthetic appeal and ecological value of Breckie Hill. The vibrant colors and varied forms of the wildflowers attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, further enhancing the biodiversity of the area.

In summary, the height of Breckie Hill is a key factor in supporting the diverse flora of wildflowers found on its slopes. This understanding informs conservation strategies, highlights the ecological significance of the hill, and underscores the importance of preserving its unique natural heritage.


The height of Breckie Hill has a profound impact on the diversity and abundance of butterflies and birds found within its ecosystem.

  • Vertical stratification:
    The elevation gradient of Breckie Hill creates distinct microclimates and habitats that support a variety of species. The summit and upper slopes experience higher levels of sunlight and wind, favoring heathland and chalk grassland habitats, which attract butterflies like the Adonis blue and chalkhill blue. In contrast, the lower slopes and woodland areas provide cooler, more humid conditions, supporting species such as the speckled wood butterfly and chiffchaff bird.
  • Nectar sources:
    The diverse flora on Breckie Hill, influenced by its height and varied habitats, provides a rich source of nectar for butterflies and other pollinating insects. The abundance of wildflowers, such as knapweed, scabious, and heather, ensures a continuous supply of food throughout the season.
  • Perching and nesting sites:
    The height of the hill offers suitable perching and nesting sites for birds. The trees and shrubs on the lower slopes provide cover and protection for smaller birds, while the open grassland and heathland at higher elevations offer unobstructed views for birds of prey, such as the kestrel and buzzard.
  • Migration patterns:
    The height of Breckie Hill may also influence the migration patterns of birds. The hill's elevation and location on the North Downs provide a convenient stopover point for migratory species, particularly during the spring and autumn seasons. Birds can use the hilltop as a navigational landmark and resting spot during their long journeys.

In conclusion, the height of Breckie Hill plays a significant role in shaping the diversity and abundance of butterflies and birds in the area. The hill's varied habitats, nectar sources, perching and nesting sites, and influence on migration patterns contribute to its ecological value and make it a haven for wildlife.


The rich archaeological heritage of Breckie Hill is inextricably linked to its height, which has played a significant role in shaping the historical significance of the area.

The height of Breckie Hill made it a strategic vantage point, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. This led to the construction of an Iron Age hillfort on the summit, providing protection and control over the surrounding territory. The hillfort's elevated position allowed its inhabitants to monitor approaching threats, communicate with other settlements, and defend against potential attacks.

In addition to the hillfort, Breckie Hill also contains a Bronze Age barrow, further attesting to its long history of human occupation. The barrow, a burial mound, was likely built to commemorate an important individual or event. Its location on the summit suggests that it was intended to be visible from afar, serving as a symbolic landmark and a testament to the area's rich cultural heritage.

Understanding the connection between Breckie Hill's height and its archaeological heritage is crucial for appreciating the historical significance of the area. The hill's elevation influenced human activity and left a lasting legacy on the landscape. By studying and preserving these archaeological remains, we gain valuable insights into the lives and cultures of our ancestors.


Breckie Hill's height and its ecological significance have led to its designation as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI). This designation recognizes the hill's unique natural features and the importance of preserving its biodiversity.

  • Height and Habitat Diversity:
    Breckie Hill's height creates a range of habitats, from chalk grasslands at the summit to ancient woodlands on the lower slopes. This diversity supports a wide variety of plant and animal species.
  • Rare and Protected Species:
    The hill is home to several rare and protected species, including the Adonis blue butterfly and the cirl bunting. These species rely on the specific habitats found on Breckie Hill for their survival.
  • Geological Heritage:
    Breckie Hill's geological formations, including the Greensand Ridge, provide valuable insights into the area's geological history. These formations are important for scientific research and education.
  • Archaeological Significance:
    The hill's height and strategic location have made it a site of human activity throughout history. The presence of an Iron Age hillfort and a Bronze Age barrow highlights the area's rich cultural heritage.

The SNCI designation ensures that Breckie Hill's ecological and historical value will be protected for future generations. Conservation efforts focus on maintaining the hill's habitats, protecting its rare species, and promoting sustainable land management practices.

FAQs on Breckie Hill Height

This section provides answers to commonly asked questions regarding Breckie Hill Height, offering concise and informative responses based on factual information.

Question 1: What is the height of Breckie Hill?

Answer: Breckie Hill has a height of 269 meters (883 feet) above sea level.

Question 2: Where is Breckie Hill located?

Answer: Breckie Hill is situated in the Surrey Hills, England, near the village of Brockham.

Question 3: What is Breckie Hill known for?

Answer: Breckie Hill is renowned for its stunning panoramic views, diverse flora and fauna, rich archaeological heritage, and status as a designated Site of Nature Conservation Interest.

Question 4: Can I hike or walk on Breckie Hill?

Answer: Yes, Breckie Hill offers well-defined paths and trails suitable for walking and hiking, providing opportunities for recreation and nature appreciation.

Question 5: What historical significance does Breckie Hill hold?

Answer: Breckie Hill has a rich historical significance, evidenced by the presence of an Iron Age hillfort and a Bronze Age barrow, indicating human activity and occupation throughout history.

Question 6: Why is Breckie Hill designated as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest?

Answer: Breckie Hill's ecological value, diverse habitats, and presence of rare and protected species have led to its designation as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest, ensuring its protection and conservation for future generations.

Summary of key takeaways or final thought: Breckie Hill Height, with its unique characteristics and significant ecological, historical, and recreational value, stands as a cherished natural and cultural landmark in the Surrey Hills.

Transition to the next article section: To further explore the fascinating aspects of Breckie Hill Height, continue reading the following sections, which delve into the hill's geology, ecology, and conservation initiatives.

Height-Related Tips for Exploring Breckie Hill

To fully appreciate the grandeur and significance of Breckie Hill, consider these insightful tips that highlight its height-related attributes:

  1. Maximize Panoramic Views:
    Ascend to the summit of Breckie Hill to experience breathtaking panoramic vistas. The hill's height provides an unparalleled vantage point, allowing you to survey the surrounding countryside and distant landmarks.
  2. Experience Diverse Habitats:
    The elevation gradient of Breckie Hill fosters a range of habitats, from chalk grasslands at the summit to ancient woodlands on the lower slopes. Explore these distinct ecosystems to discover a rich diversity of flora and fauna.
  3. Learn Historical Significance:
    The height of Breckie Hill has played a crucial role in its historical significance. Visit the Iron Age hillfort and Bronze Age barrow to gain insights into the area's rich cultural heritage and the strategic importance of the hill's elevated position.
  4. Enjoy Recreational Activities:
    Embrace the height of Breckie Hill through recreational activities like walking and hiking. The well-defined paths and trails cater to varying fitness levels, offering opportunities to immerse yourself in the hill's natural beauty while getting some exercise.
  5. Appreciate Ecological Value:
    The height of Breckie Hill contributes to its ecological value. The varied habitats support a diverse array of plant and animal species, including rare and protected species. Respect and protect the delicate ecosystem during your visit.
  6. Respect the Height:
    While enjoying the height of Breckie Hill, remember to prioritize safety. Be aware of the potential for strong winds and changing weather conditions, especially at the summit. Stay on designated paths and avoid venturing into hazardous areas.

By incorporating these tips into your exploration, you can unlock the full potential of Breckie Hill's height, gaining a deeper appreciation for its natural, historical, and recreational significance.

As you conclude your visit, take a moment to reflect on the unique experience that Breckie Hill Height offers. Its elevation has shaped the hill's landscape, ecology, and cultural importance, making it a captivating destination for nature enthusiasts, historians, and outdoor adventurers alike.

Breckie Hill Height

Our exploration of Breckie Hill Height has unveiled a captivating tapestry of natural, historical, and recreational significance. Its elevation, standing at 269 meters above sea level, serves as the cornerstone of the hill's unique characteristics and enduring value.

From the panoramic vistas that stretch for miles to the diverse habitats that nurture a wealth of flora and fauna, Breckie Hill Height offers a sanctuary for nature enthusiasts and a living testament to the intricate interplay between geology and ecology. The hill's rich archaeological heritage, evidenced by the Iron Age hillfort and Bronze Age barrow, invites us to delve into the depths of human history and the strategic importance of its elevated position.

As we conclude, let us not forget the profound impact that Breckie Hill Height has on our well-being. Its well-defined paths and trails beckon us to immerse ourselves in the tranquility of nature, whether through invigorating walks or leisurely hikes. The hill's designation as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest underscores the imperative to preserve its ecological integrity for generations to come.

Breckie Hill Height stands as a beacon of natural beauty, historical intrigue, and recreational delight. As we bid farewell to this remarkable landmark, let us carry with us a deep appreciation for its multifaceted significance and a commitment to safeguarding its timeless allure.

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Picture of Breckie Hill

Picture of Breckie Hill

Breckie Hill Age, Wiki, Height, Family, Boyfriend, Nationality, Net

Breckie Hill Age, Wiki, Height, Family, Boyfriend, Nationality, Net